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We believe very strongly that children should contribute to the family household.  We realized very early that children are extremely capable of learning to perform household tasks.

Our rule is if they can walk, they can help with chores. We adapt chores to be age appropriate for each child.

Our toddlers are required to help pick up their toys and put them away in the toy basket. They are also required to “make” their bed. We teach them to neatly push their blanket to the bottom of the bed (because they can’t fold or tuck yet) and place their stuffed animal on their pillow.

Our preschoolers are asked to perform slightly harder tasks like clearing the table and making sure all shoes are put away in the correct shoe basket. They are also required to help clean their floor under the direction of an older sibling that shares the room with them.  When they make their bed they are required to neatly spread their blanket, zip all stuffed animals into the beanbag at the foot of their bed, and clean off anything else that may have ended up on it. They also help sort their clean laundry into piles that others help them fold.

Our elementary aged children are responsible for cleaning family living areas such as the living room floor or the kitchen counters and table. They empty the dishwasher and take out the garbage and recycling. They are required to help sort and fold their laundry and put it away. They are required to sweep, vacuum, and mop floors as well as clean the bathroom mirrors and wipe counters.

Our preteen children do all of the above as well as sort, wash, and dry their own laundry. They are the ones who direct the cleaning of their bedrooms with the sibling they share with. They also help with dinner tasks and have learned to make entire dinners by themselves. They have been taught to safely mow the lawn and help pull weeds.

About The Author


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Savannah loves being a Lifestyle Writer sharing her experiences and insights as a mother of six young children. She loves to empower mothers to find better balance and enjoy higher quality time with their family through purposeful family living.

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