Easy Pasta Chicken Alfredo with Asparagus

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If you have ever wondered how to introduce asparagus to your kids so that they would like it, look no further!

This recipe takes all the newness out of eating asparagus (size, shape, chewiness, texture, taste) because the other ingredients mask these features.

The pasta is the same size and shape, the chicken is chewy too, and the sauce and cheese blend the strong flavor in beautifully.

If we had fed this dinner to our children first, I am 100% positive that they would have learned to like asparagus SO much faster!

We are firm believers that repetition is key to giving our kids the ability to learn to like a new vegetable.

We never grew up eating asparagus ourselves so when we made a family goal to introduce a wider variety of vegetables to our dinner table, we had to search for recipes and cooking methods for this tasty vegetable.

Bonus Tip: Don’t cut off the woody end of the asparagus after you wash it.

Gently bend the stalk end and let it snap off where it wants to (an asparagus knows that you don’t want to eat the woody part at the end of the stalk).

That way you know for sure you don’t get the woody part, otherwise you are just guessing where it ends inside the asparagus.

Because asparagus grows so quickly (a matter of hours), there are no two alike on the inside. 

Trust me, snap the woody ends off instead of cutting them!

Once you have removed the woody ends this way, feel free to chop the rest of it if you prefer to eat it in smaller pieces.

We also learned to steam, sautee, or roast asparagus with all types of seasonings and sometimes extra virgin olive oil.

Our kids like it now because we kept offering to to them until they developed a taste for it.

Tips To Get Your Child To Eat Their New Vegetable:

1- We never force our kids to eat their vegetables, but we certainly tie a lot of reward to eating them.

On nights when we know they will struggle eating a new dish or vegetable, you will usually find a jug of chocolate milk on our table (but only served to those who finish their dinner).

Or the first child done eating the new vegetable on their plate gets to choose the family activity that night.

We also remind them to not save the new vegetable for last, but to take bites of it alternately with everything else.

If it’s a really difficult sell, they are allowed to plug their nose while taking the bite so they don’t taste it.

2-We talk at the dinner table about the new vegetable: how it grows, how it is harvested, and why we need vitamins, minerals, and fiber in our diet.

Make sure to give real life examples that are age appropriate for your child:

“You know how you have been feeling yucky and have had a cold? The vitamins and minerals in this will strengthen your body’s immune system so that it can fight off the bad germs.”

“I know you have been working so hard at basketball practice. The vitamins and minerals in this vegetable will help your muscles grow and become stronger with your efforts.”

3- Involve your child(ren) in preparing the vegetable.

Kids are way more likely to try and like any type of food if they got to handle it, wash it, and help prepare it.

Asparagus sword fights in the kitchen during meal prep lead to a much higher rate of consumption at dinner time!

After many times of preparing asparagus, our children love it now!

This is our favorite basic Pasta Chicken Alfredo recipe with an asparagus twist.

Wash asparagus, remove woody ends, and then cut into thirds (so they are approximately 2-3 inch pieces).

Steam the asparagus pieces by placing in a microwave-safe bowl with 1/2 cup of water.

Cover with microwave safe cover and cook for two minutes.

If they are not fork tender, try steaming them 30 more seconds.

Boil and drain the pasta and return to medium heat.

Add the alfredo sauce, steamed asparagus pieces, and pulled rotisserie chicken.

Gently mix and heat through, stirring to keep from sticking to bottom of pan.

When it is heated completely, add the two cheeses (my favorite ingredients!) and gently mix.

Remove from heat and serve.

My husband like to garnish his with bacon bits, but I prefer MORE Parmesan cheese!

The best part about this recipe is that it is SO versatile!

Use any type of pasta (our favorites are rotini or penne), any type of vegetable (our favorites are broccoli or asparagus), any kind of cheeses, and any other mix-ins or toppings that your family loves.

Always add a side of fresh fruit, preferably whatever is in season and sold locally.

This dinner comes together so quickly and tastes SO good that it has become a staple in our home.

We hope your family enjoys it as much as our does!

Let us know what ingredients YOU choose and don’t forget to share with family and friends using the buttons below.

Many thanks for sharing and Best Wishes for a Wonderful Dinnertime!


About The Author


This post may contain affiliate links and we may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you.

Savannah loves being a Lifestyle Writer sharing her experiences and insights as a mother of six young children. She loves to empower mothers to find better balance and enjoy higher quality time with their family through purposeful family living.


  1. Shari | 5th Dec 18

    Breaking off the ends instead of cutting them is a game changer!! I never knew so thank you! Also some really great positive reinforcement tips.

    • savannahsal | 5th Dec 18

      It was a game changer for us too, it tastes so much better! Best wishes for easy and delicious family dinner times!

  2. Meagan | 5th Dec 18

    Great ideas to get your child to eat vegetables. My 3-year-old use to be great at eating veggies and now it’s a fight…

    • savannahsal | 5th Dec 18

      Isn’t it funny that what worked yesterday sometimes doesn’t work for today? Kids certainly keep us on top of our mama game every day….. Ü

  3. Brianna | 5th Dec 18

    I’m always on the hunt for delicious and easy recipes and this is gold! Thanks for the clear instructions and recipe!

    • savannahsal | 5th Dec 18

      You are so welcome; we hope your family enjoys it as much as ours does. Best wishes to happy family dinner times!

  4. Danielle | 5th Dec 18

    This is an amazing article!! I expected just a great recipe and got so many amazing tips that I will definitely use in the future!! Thank you for sharing!

    • savannahsal | 5th Dec 18

      Thanks Danielle, we love to share what we have learned works with our own kids if it helps other parents. Best wishes for easy and fun family dinner times!

  5. Erin | 7th Dec 18

    OH. MY. GOODNESS. Let me start by saying I have a weak spot for Alfredo already….but holy cow this looks amazing. Looks like I am making a trip to the grocery store today!

    • savannahsal | 7th Dec 18

      I hope your family likes it as much as we do. Ü Best wishes for a wonderful dinnertime!

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