How To Make Your Home Smell Fabulous!

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Have you ever wondered why houses smell so differently?

As soon as you walk into someone’s house for the first time, a unique (hopefully good!) smell hits you.

I always wondered if it was air fresheners, the cleaners that people use, or the food that they have been cooking.

I am sure it could be a combination of different things but when I was a kid I couldn’t figure out why my auntie’s house smelled so amazing.

I finally realized what it was one day when I was helping her carry a load of clean clothes from the dryer.



The smell of amazing fresh clean clothes hit me and I recognized the scent of her home.

I asked her and sure enough, we didn’t use the same laundry soap (which is why my house didn’t smell as amazing as hers).

Ever since then, as I have grown into adulthood and run my own household, I have been searching for the perfect scent for my home.

The pleasant greeting of a familiar and wonderful laundry scent.

And then I found it…..

Downy Fresh Protect Scent Beads!

What Do They Do?

These luscious little scent beads give our whole house a fresh, clean, and inviting scent.

They have also saved clothes from being thrown away that couldn’t come clean in the wash without them.

They don’t just cover up smelly clothes with a better smell (have you noticed competing smells NEVER work out well).

They eliminate and then replace bad smells in the laundry.

With six growing kids, life can become a competition of smells so this was a game changer for us.

The best part is that they have different scents for you to choose from like April Fresh, Fresh Protect, and they even have a Sport Odor Defense!



If you have a large family or are someone who likes to stock up in bulk, Amazon makes it easy to purchase them that way too!

So. Convenient!

The Rules

My kids aren’t allowed to touch these or put them in the washer themselves because they get too excited about how wonderful they smell and put WAY too much into the washer!

Until they can learn to control themselves, I have to be the one to dole them out in a reasonable way.

Okay, okay, sometimes I put too many scent beads in too.

They just smell SOOOO good!)

What is your family’s laundry lifesaver and household scent of choice?


Let us know how your family liked these Downy Scent beads!


About The Author


This post may contain affiliate links and we may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you.

Savannah loves being a Lifestyle Writer sharing her experiences and insights as a mother of six young children. She loves to empower mothers to find better balance and enjoy higher quality time with their family through purposeful family living.


  1. Heidi Nielsen | 30th Jan 21

    Oooh! I gotta try this kind!!!

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