Sunshine Blogger Award

  Hello Friends, I was deeply honored and grateful to be nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award today!  I have been overwhelmed by the positive…

Living A Cultivated And Purposeful Family Life Style

Living a cultivated and purposeful family life style is a huge undertaking.

There is a BIG New Parent learning curve that comes first, and then

Fall Break at the Zoo

Did you grow together as a family over Fall Break?

Because not every break from school should be rushing children off to a destination………

Soccer Foes Meet Their Match


If you live in a climate like ours, you will understand.

When your kids play outdoor sports in the spring and fall, at some point (or all) they will be exposed to

How To Make Your Home Smell Fabulous!

Have you ever wondered why houses smell so differently? As soon as you walk into someone’s house for the first time, a unique…

Children LOVE To Contribute!

We believe very strongly that children should contribute to the family household.  We realized very early that children are extremely capable of learning to perform household tasks.

Our rule is if they can walk, they can help with chores.

How To Teach Kids To Clean Their Room

I don’t know about your kids but mine tend to suddenly be tired, hungry, thirsty, dramatic, and unable to function as soon as they know it is chore time.

It’s the most profound natural phenomenon that I know of. Maybe we should call it Chore Lag?

Ditch The Door

We live in a beautiful small historic home built more than sixty years ago.

While we absolutely love our home, we have faced many challenges about how to comfortably fit a family of eight.

Trending towards a minimalist lifestyle and organizing every inch of our home was not enough.

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